
page in construction

it was already happening before january 20, 2025.

something about survival has been shifting,
something about human dignity.


the wall of exclusion is higher. genocide is getting normalized. and there is not much care for human rights. not even here in rich switzerland. a lot of us struggle with basic needs and systemic harshness while trying politely to be heard, but our bodies tell us that the piercing goes deep and deeper.
dignity and solidarity are fragile.

is it naive to believe in art as transformative?
maybe, but try, do it.
it what?
drawing has been one of my survival tools since 2015 but it has long been kept private as a luxury of self-therapy.
something tells me now
to draw
to un-erase.
something tells me to solidify
my "woke" values,
and to perform
gestures of
when this will have become too radical political acts
i will cry endlessly.


june 9, 2024

june 10, 2024

selfie with shadows, june 19, 2024

july 23, 2024

august 14, 2024

selfies: examples from 2016 - 2023

in relationship with context

in the noise at night of 16 water pumps that drain a huge construction site next door
abruti par le bruit, pendant la nuit, de 16 pompes à eau qui drainent un énorme site de construction tout près

vulnerable in unsafe home
vulnérabilité quand il n'y a pas de sécurité À la maison

in specific emotional states



joy / joie

in dignity reclaim

november 24, 2024 _ 3

november 24, 2024 _ 2


our western minds anchor identity and survival primarily in individualism.

"relationality" is a concept from Indigenous philosophy. i largely do not grasp it yet if not for its radicality:

"to live as tangata whenua - the human form of the land - is to know identity is a responsibility for another." by Ngāi Rangi, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Rangiwewehi Māori academic and writer Katharina Gray-Sharp (2023).

to de-colonize includes leading us towards relationality.

this is a very new thread of work.
i draw other beings too,
while questioning the basic concepts of how i relate to them.
i invite others to draw with me.
what do we see?


horus (therapy horse): you teach me how to exist. you ask for decolonization of my mind. fractions of a second. energy shifts. large. my mind is scared. it wants to go back to the familiar. but, near you, maybe i can stay in the new. maybe. and then, i find alignment. i do not understand. new profound truths. joy flows. i walk you follow. you share your vulnerable power. i can walk more. i stop you stop. we are equals. you walk i walk. i learn. time to draw. time to share.

horus and me

surrender to death = surrender to life = panic
s'abandonner à la mort = s'abandonner à la vie = panique

horus, my mind is always searching
horus, mon estprit cherche tout le temps

horus, when i find what touch pleases you
horus, quand je trouve quel toucher te convient

action reaction
action ráaction