silent noise

no microphone or sound recorder could immerse you in the experience i have here of the noise and vibrations from nearby construction sites. recordings would not make your body vibrate and they would not feature all the frequencies i feel. then, even if i had the perfect technology, your sound processing is different from mine.

this page then is to try lead you through my experience in another way.

imagine it is a day of work on this

construction site

where 38 new buildings have slowly been sprouting in series of about 4 to 8 at a time, year after year.

imagine you are very skinny. most of the world comes to you through touch. when there is sound, it invades you like it does for anybody else, but you are wired in such a way that your being overstimulates faster than most others. sound then can be ecstatically beautiful or a painfully scary and destructive scenario.

imagine that noise trauma has fragmented your internal silence in small pockets and that these pockets are constantly poked by the outside world. in this configuration, sometimes your body-mind becomes the sound you hear. your mind becomes extremely vulnerable. you might dissociate. your physiology changes. you get diarrhea. your tinnitus goes louder and splits in new pieces. your brain gets hot. you can't eat anymore because the tastes are amplified by 100 or 1000 and this is too much stimulation. your legs and arms loose strength because your nervous system can't take it anymore.

now you are in your own body-mind, just as it is at this moment but you are living near this site. what happens?

now, we imagine a world where land is not owned but shared and cared for. we imagine we learn from Indigenous communities to do this with respect and gentleness towards each other and towards the land. what happens?